Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dear New Moms ( or perhaps soon to be moms, or perhaps old hat moms too),

This is a dedication blog to you all. All throughout pregnancy and motherhood you hear those words...."every one [baby] is different", we have all heard them.

Surely, O' surely  as we enter this       world of motherhood with truly  no instruction manual  for this quite joyous, but yet very complicated new job, there must be some other    mother somewhere out there that has a child like mine.

So here's to finding that mother out there who's figured out a solution to those "one-of-a-kind" children we all have. Here's to blogging to the "Hey no one told me about that!" type of information. You know the kind of stuff like when your in the hospital you don't exactly get Victoria Secret Underwear for after the labor, as if you already don't feel pretty. Or how about the "how the heck does this breastfeeding thing work again??". Here's to discussing everything under the moon and beyond and feeling good about what you are doing. Here's to finally knowing its okay to making it through the day with only half your hair in curlers, pajama bottoms on with a dress shirt on top and not getting anything done on your today list and than realizing...."Hey I am normal" 
( and loving it)

- After the Stork

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